Por: Jaime Saenz
En Visitante profundo
Ven; yo vivo de tu dibujo
y de tu perfumada melodía,
soñe en la estrella a que con un canto se podría llegar
–te ví aparecer y no pude asirte, a tu turbadora distancia te llevaba el canto
y era mucha lejanía y poco tu aliento para alcanzar a tiempo un fulgor de mi
Ven, sin embargo, deja que mi mano imprima inolvidable fuerza a tu olvido,
acércate a mirar mi sombra en la pared,
ven una vez; quiero cumplir mi deseo de adiós.
By Jaime Saenz
Translated from the Spanish by: Kent Johnson and Forrest Gander
Come; I am nourished by your depiction
and by your redolent melody,
I dreamed of the star that could be reached with a song
–I saw you apper and couldn’t grasp you; the song carried you an usettling
and the remoteness was too great and your breath too faint to reach the
light-burst of my heart in time
–my heart, drowned in a compassionate rain, fiercely efflorescing.
Come, nevertheless; let my hand impress on your forgetting and unforgettable
draw near to witness my shadow on the wall,
come once; I want to fullfill my passion for good-bye.
Fuente: Visitante profundo